10 Houseplants You Probably Won't Kill February 09 2022, 0 Comments

With the bitter cold temperatures this time of year, many of us are looking out our windows and cringing because of the way all our poor outside plants look. But, you know what cures that pain? Inside plants! And the good news is, a lot of them are easy and painless to take care of. Here's a list of ten indoor plants you probably won't kill - and don't worry, we've put them to the test just for you too!

Snake plants, also known as “Mother-in-Law’s Tongue”, are one of the easiest houseplants to take care of. This succulent plant is very forgiving and perfect for beginners. Low or bright light, this plant is a true survivor. Make sure it's in well-draining soil and water it every couple of weeks. You don't ever have to worry about a plant sitter for this little lady!

The Aloe juvenna grows slowly but will eventually produce green-topped rosettes with long, pointed teeth, hence their common name ‘Tiger Tooth Aloe’. It requires little maintenance, making it perfect for those who have limited time to spend caring for plants. Put the plant in an indirect but bright, sunny window and only water it every couple of weeks. Cuttings can be propagated to give you even more easy plants that need very little care. It's ok if the leaves turn reddish brown, this means the plant is happily stressed and may need a little bit of water.

The ZZ plant, with its wide, attractive, dark green leaves, is a favorable plant for offices and homes. ZZ plant tolerates neglect, is drought tolerant and accepts low-light conditions without throwing a fit. Its waxy, smooth leaves also reflect sunlight and can even brighten rooms. Leaves getting dull? Just use a damp cloth to wipe away the dust, and they'll be back to their natural shine in no time. Water it every 2-3 weeks, allowing the soil to dry completely between watering. The ZZ Plant likes indirect light and because of this, thrives in those unfortunate office building fluorescents.

Peace lilies are ideal for home or office growing because they're easy to take care of and they don't require a lot of light. We've heard they'll even grow in a closet - but please, don't put them there! Major plus? The Peace Lily does a wonderful job cleaning and purifying the air. Plus, they're also quite striking, with dark green leaves creating a gorgeous contrast to the white flowers they produce. Water about once a week and keep an eye out for "the droop". For more green foliage, place in a low-lit area. But, if it's flowers you're after, place the plant in a bright space - just be careful of those drafty windows in the winter. One word of caution: Peace lily leaves contain a compound that can cause swelling of the tongue or even vomiting when eaten, so keep your plant away from kids and pets.

Phalaenopsis orchids are some of the most stunning indoor plants and it's hard to resist putting one of these beauties in a grocery cart. Luckily (and mistakenly) they're easy to take care of. Place your orchid in a bright room, but not in direct sunlight. Water the orchid infrequently, being guided by the plant, rather than watering on a schedule. But if you're a schedule type of person, give it a few ice cubes one or two times a week. Many more orchids die from over-watering than under-watering and remember, only put ice on the roots, keep the flowers and leaves dry. Keep the orchid after it has flowered because when happy, these ladies will bloom at least once or twice a year.

Growing Aloe Vera (often just called aloe) is easy, and the best part is they thrive on neglect! It's a plant with purpose and so handy to have in the kitchen or bathroom. Aloe needs bright, natural light (but not too hot and sunny) for those leaves to get nice and plump. The store a lot of water in their leaves, so make sure you keep it in well-drained soil and only water it every 2-4 weeks. With this plant, less is definitely more. If you see the leaves turning shades of yellow, brown or red, this means it is stressed. But don't worry, they tend to bounce back nicely with some water. Use aloe for burns and skin irritations, as a hair mask, a facial moisturizer and even as a shave gel.

As a newbie to succulents, you can never go wrong with the Senecio Serpens. It is easy to grow, care for and even reproduce. Keep it in the brightest window you have and do not over water. Water every 2-3 weeks. The best way to water Senecio Serpens is using the “soak and dry” technique - soaking the soil and then allowing it to dry completely before the next watering. Propagating is easy, just cut off a leaf or stem, dip the cuttings in rooting powder and let them dry out for a couple of days. Once your cuttings are ready, stick them upright in moist, well-draining soil. Keep the soil wet until the cutting has rooted.

The Swiss Cheese Plant gets its name from its large, heart-shaped leaves that develop holes as the plant ages, making the leaves resemble Swiss cheese. This plant is notoriously easy to care for, grows quickly and loves to climb. It grows best in bright, indirect light, but if exposed to too much sun its foliage can easily burn. Swiss cheese plants grow best in peat-based soil, which will help keep it from getting waterlogged. These plants like to be consistently moist but not soaked. Before watering your Swiss Cheese Plant, stick your finger into the soil and if it feels dry to the touch, it's time to water the plant. Keep it moist, and it will love you.

Known as a baby rubber plant, the Peromia Clusiifolia is also often called ‘Jelly’ because of its jelly-like leaves and the light pink coloring on the tips of its foliage. It does great in bright to medium indirect sunlight, but it also likes fluorescent lighting, making it perfect for the office. Peromia only needs to be watered every 1-2 weeks. Let your plant dry out completely between watering sessions. If the leaves are getting mushy, you've been over watering the plant.

The Waffle Plant is an awesome small houseplant that has colorful foliage, making it a lovely addition to your home or office all year long. Keep it in medium to bright light to keep the color vibrant. Water it thoroughly once a week, keeping it moist but not too wet. Fun fact - your Waffle Plant will actually let you know when it’s thirsty. Don’t be alarmed if you find it completely limp and wilted. With a good drink, it'll perk back up in no time. Since it's small, it's a great plant to use for decorating beside tables, countertops and desks.
If you haven't noticed yet, we're crazy about plants. You can totally call us crazy plant ladies (or plant people!). If you could see the number of plants we have in our new warehouse, you'd be impressed. We hope you got some good info and good inspiration from this post. Did we miss any easy plants you think we should definitely know about? Hit us up on Instagram and let us know. If you're looking for some awesome planters for your indoor plant babies, please check out our collection. We have a ton of fun making them and there's definitely one for every kind of space or design style. Our best advice for making your home more visually pleasing or your office a little bit more interesting? Surround yourself with plants - but absolutely make sure that are easy to take care of, it's the only way.